IGSN Resolution Metrics

Summary for 2022-07-01 … 2022-08-31.

Some basic statistics for use of the igsn.org resolver service use during the months of July and August, 2022.

Total redirects per day

The total number of redirects to hdl.handle.net handled by igsn.org per day. Such requests arise from a user filling in the form on the igsn.org site or directly by constructing the URL.

Total redirects per month by country

The country of origin for redirect requests issued by igsn.org. Column n is the total requests for the month for the specified country.

n Country country_code
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n Country country_code
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Same content as above, shown as a map.

User agents used for resolve requests

Total requests for July and August 2022 grouped by browser family and brand of the device issuing the resolve requests.

n browser_family device_brand
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